When you have the time to really write down what you believe in...
can you give your own personal belief system.
can you itemize the "truths" you believe in.
can you give a reason for your confidence or unbelief.
can you list things that you know that only your "religion" practice %26amp; try to explain why you do it.
note: there is no right or wrong answer, each individual has their own belief system. no reply will be used against you in a court law.
Anyone up to a research / survey question?
I am a Deist. Everything that happens is a reaction to some other action, which in turn is a reaction to something else, etc. Eventually, there is one original cause of action, an "unmoved mover", who I call God. God created the universe, set it in motion, then walked away. He does not interfere in the world, he has no need to.
Truths can all be found by rationalization and study of the surround universe.
There are no prophets, messiahs, holy books, or miracles. There is no need. If there were need for all of this, God would have made an error.
I believe in Deism because I can think for myself and it is a rational religion that answers my own questions about the world (to me it is illogical to say that things got so bad in the world that God had to send a Son down to try and straighten everything up).
Because God gave man a brain, he expects him to use it. And for this reason, there can be no compulsion in religion. Everyone must find God in their own way, and if they chose to become Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, etc., then that is their business.
Reply:I am in a crisis of faith. I was raised Roman Catholic. I definitely do not fit the mold for that denomination. How ever I still consider my self a pseudo Christian. I don't know what is real and what is not about the gospels and the old tesitment. I feel that Jesus is the model of human psychology and the means for social justice. I think there are allot more cans in Jesus' teachings that though shalt not.
1: I believe that Jesus was the perfect human and by following his example we too can be come more human the way God intended us to be.
2: I believe in the forgivenesss of sins. Two parts to that. I need God's forgivenes and the Churches. One my sin is always against god and it also against the body of Christ of which I consider my self part of.
3: I don't know that Jesus is coming back as Revelation seems to indicate. I think the Church is the Anima Christi. The spirit of Christ in the real world.
4: I don't know that I believe in original sin and that Christ had to die for our salvation. If Christ could forgive sins before he was crucified why did he need to be crucified? That is a big mystery to me.
I really can't say what my religion makes me do as I said I think many would not call me a christian at all.
Good question by the way.
Reply:I believe that reason combined with experience is the only way to know anything. I believe this because it's axiomatic. In order to deny it I must use it, so I can not deny it even though I can not prove it either.
I believe 'faith', as used in a religious sense, is closely related to 'stupidity'. Faith is belief without reason. In all nonreligious matters, that is considered stupidity. I don't make an exception for religion.
Reply:Life Taxes Death.
Reply:after decades of searching and about 4 memberships in different churches I am finally at peace. I believe in a higher power whatever it is/ he or she or it. I believe I do not need a building to worship in so left all organized religion. I believe one should not teach religion to their children that is equal to brainwashing.Teach them to be decent human beings first and foremost that will already cover the ten commandments . I believe now I am spiritual versus religious. I am in a good place and know that the other place which will be home is going to be great.
Reply:Great question!
Please consider these tidbits:
Jews for Jesus = Vegetarians for Hamburgers
God? He or She?
Church? Christianity? Jesus? Dying?
What is the Imacculate Conception supposed to mean?
Does Imacculate Conception have anything to do with "VIRGIN BIRTH"?
Google Imacculate Conception and learn that is NOT.
What else do you falsely believe?
Jesus, the basis of Christianity? .
If Jesus died, he could NOT have been God.
Can Gods die?
If Jesus 'died' on Friday and 'undied' on Sunday, what else besides Saturday was sacrificed?
Did Jesus give up Saturday for us?
No Eternal sacrifice, big deal for a day!
If Jesus died for our sins, there should not be any more sins, else why go through with it?.
If Jesus really DIED, he should be dead, dead, dead!
Life after death is like virginity after childbirth.
If the flesh of Jesus died, what was seen walking and talking on Sunday?
If you believe this stuff, you are not going to like the folks who don't. You want them to believe it too to validate you.
Christians want everyone to convert to their non-thinking in order to be 'saved'.
Believing and not thinking is like choosing to be lost.
[Do Christians on Yahoo! answers feel righteous when they report questions they disagree or disapprove of?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Hey that's cool, nine of pentacles I agree with you, that certain participants report abuse just because they don't like the answer or question, which in itself is abuse just consider the source, narrow minded and pompous .]
shoe mesh
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