Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Survey for research paper - Why are certain life-threatening diseases more prevalent in African-Americans?

Anyone can answer, but I am also particularly interested in anyone who has has Diabetes, CHF, cancer, Hypertension or any other life threatening disease. Let me know your nationality, what disease you have, and when/how you found out you had it... also drop a line about why you think these diseases are more prevalent in African Americans.

Survey for research paper - Why are certain life-threatening diseases more prevalent in African-Americans?
Partly genetics and partly that more percentage wise of African Americans do not have access to medical services.
Reply:American, no disease yet but have diabetes in the family, grandfather had it from his forties till death in late 80's. Diseases such as these I believe are more prevalent in African Americans because of their diet and culture. Two of the four you have listed (I don't know what CHF is) can be linked to obesity, which is an epidemic in the African American population. This leads back to diet. Also, cancer can be linked to increased stress. African American culture is not known as an institute of wealth. There is a rich cultural aspect, but not monetarily. This means poorer living conditions, potentially hazardous living conditions, and an all around increase in day to day stress on the entire body and mind. I don't know the statistics on drug use, but poverty is also known to lead to increased use of drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, which also have adverse affects on the body. Kick in a couple of big mac's and you have a recipe for disaster. African American culture also seems to promote promiscuity. Turn on any music video aimed at a Black audiance and you will see women wearing revealing clothing and grinding up on the guys. Whether this is to blame or not, if you take a drive down East Fayette in Syracuse on any given sunny summer day, you will see a large number of 13 to 16 year old girls with babies. What you won't see are the fathers. Rampent unprotected sex leads to the spread of disease. As an outsider looking in, Black culture glorifies sex and does nothing to preach of protections. You want to do a more revealing study, compare African Americans to Africans and see the difference. I bet it is greater than African American vs. White American.
Reply:-There is genetic reasons eg MS is less common in blacks but when they have it they do not do well and there is a more rapid progression to disability

- The blacks do not respond to medications eg hypertension. Betablockers do not control their blood pressure well but will need a different type of medication or combination of blood pressure pills

-The blacks overall are disadvantaged as a group overall they have less access to good health care

-They also tend to be less well educated and do not take care of self in preventative medicine

-They also have some cultural habits that are translated to poor diets and lifestyle resulting in obesity,etc

-A lot of medications are developed based on studies mainly in Caucasians rather than blacks. They do not like to participate in research clinical trials because of the Tuskeggee experiments where they were used as guinea pigs

-It is very difficult to get lifesaving organs for transplantation from blacks

-They have a higher incidence,prevalence, recurrence and mortality in stroke

-Blockages of vessels inside the brain occur more commonly than causcasians

-They are the only race that get sickle cell disease

I am asian, no disease
Reply:stress which increases the need to overeat, drink, and smoke

limited physical activity....in the past (my grand parents and great grandparents day) our people were more active (blue collar work like paving roads and railroad work, work in agriculture) plus they walked everywhere almost

mistrust of the medical community (fear of dying in hospitals)

which prevents many from seeing a doctor

inability to pay medical costs (no insurance or limited insurance) which also prevents many from seeing a doctor

poor eating habits (in the past our people ate fresh fruit and vegetables, often grown in home gardens or on family farms, now many rely on inexpensive, processed foods like Hamburger Helper, etc)

unknown reasons: I include these because there are African Americans and other black people who are doing "what they are supposed to do" but developing cancer, etc. The medical community does not know why. Most testing has been done on other groups of people but there are now studies being conducted on our people, with some concentration on the elderly and women.

An example would be breast cancer...for reasons the medical community does not understand, black women develop more aggressive cancer cells, even when the cancer is caught early and aggressive treatment is offered...

There is a Nigerian doctor, whom I believe has citizenship here now, who found in working with African American women the same type of aggressive cancer she found in treating women in West Africa. There seems to be some genetic component involved.

I forget her name but if I can find it tonight, I will email it to you.

You should be able to find out in Google about women and breast cancer.

I work with charities, churches and other organizations, including The Black Women's Health Project.

riding boots

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