I am doing a research paper on how video games affect learning
Do you feel violent video games make kids violent?
Do you think that video games can be used in the classroom?
Do you think that kids views of games are changed if they know that the game is educational (regarless of how fun it is)?
any other thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated
thank you again
Survey involving video games and learning (for research paper)?
Do you feel violent video games make kids violent?
It certainly desensitizes them to violence, but I don't think a kid playing a violent video game would make them ACTUALLY perform any violent act that they would not do originally.
Do you think that video games can be used in the classroom?
Definately. They can be used to illustrate many different things and would hold the child's attention. An example is how school PE classes have started using Dance Dance Revolution to get the kids moving.
Do you think that kids views of games are changed if they know that the game is educational (regarless of how fun it is)?
Yes, I think it is better not to tell them. If they enjoy the game, they will learn from it anyway.
Reply:Video games have been proven to improve a persons cognitive ( motor ) abilities.
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