Sunday, May 3, 2009

I need market research survey questions related to media and marketing my products...?

products are 5 articles of clothing but i need basic questions finding out what media influences who etc.. any question ideas you have will be great:)

I need market research survey questions related to media and marketing my products...?
Start off with a demographics section, asking what gender, age, salary range, etc. applies to the person taking the survey.

Some Question Idea Examples:

1. How often do you shop for clothing?

2. Rate the following styles of clothing on which you purchase most often (1 being most often, 6 being least often): Casual, Work Attire, Athletic Wear, etc.

3. What means of advertising influences your clothing purchases most (magazines, television, radio, billboards, etc.). You can make them rate each one from 1-5 or something like that.

4. Who influences your clothing purchases most? (Parents, friends, celebrities, etc.)

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