Monday, May 24, 2010

Can anyone help me answer a 5-question yes/no survey about the dreaded income tax for my research? Thanks!?

1. Do you pay a federal income tax?

2. Do/would you like paying your income tax?

3. Do you feel the federal income tax is necessary for our daily living standards?

4. If your federal income tax money went to pay off the trillion-dollar debt (and thus paid to private bankres of the Federal Reserve), would you feel it necessary to pay?

5. And finally, IF the federal income tax doesn't benefit the millions of Americans who pay it, would you want it repealed?

Thanks again :).

Can anyone help me answer a 5-question yes/no survey about the dreaded income tax for my research? Thanks!?
1. Yes; I have, every year, since 1970.

2. No.

3. No. The Constitution provided for specific means for the federal government to generate revenue sufficient to fund it's legitimate operations, and those means did not include income tax. In fact, income tax was specifically prohibited. Under the current conditions, the expenditures of the federal government will ALWAYS exceed the amount of revenue exacted.

4. No. See #3.

5. Yes, it should be repealed because no one alive today agreed to it, it was enacted under questionable circumstances, enforcement by the IRS exceeds the law, it is higher than the tax rate that sparked our War of Independence, and is mostly used for agendas that serve corporate interests and political agendas that do NOT benefit us.
Reply:1. Yes I pay federal income tax.

2. Do I like it? Of course not.

3. I feel that it is absolutely necessary. Governments of all sizes rely on tax money to function. To pay salaries, to pay for services that you receive free. (sort of) Tax money will pay for that snow plow to come down your street and clean it off. Federal taxes pay for our military, for politicians, for federal programs, etc.

4. Well, if Bush hadn't gotten us into an unnecessary war, there would be no debt.

5. Repealing it would make no sense. Tax monies benefit everyone in some way. I don't like paying taxes and wish I didn't have to, but I pay taxes because at some point, I, like you, receive some benefit.
Reply:1. No, I do not make enough money to pay the federal income tax.

2. Not really, I don't think anyone likes to pay taxes.

3. Yes, our daily standard of life is based on having a world class transportation network which would not be possible without the federal income tax.

4. Yes, more of it should go to pay the debt.

5. No, the income tax benefits every American in some way, shape, or form. Do you use the Interstate highway? Airports? Do your kids go to public schools? Are you defended by the United States Military? Everyone benefits from the income tax.
Reply:1. yes

2. no, way too high

3. yes, but we need a flat tax and lets make it fair.

4. no, I did not make this federal debt, our polititions did, let them fix it. Start charging people to come to this country.

5. yes, that is what is happening now. Most is going to War. It should go to help kids and seniors and veterans and temporary poor. Right now out Government throws money away a lot to other countries. Constant hand-outs.

I am tired of paying for those that dont pay. And I am tired of paying for the mismanagement of our Government.
Reply:1 - yes (and way to much may I add)

2- No, i really don't mind paying, just think it's unreasonable

3 - No

4 - yes

5 -yes, and changed to a flat tax for everyone in every pay bracket

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