Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey on school violence for current public high school students?

I am an undergraduate college student enrolled in a Methods and Statistics of Social Research class and am required to complete an original survey research project. I am requesting your assistance with a research questionnaire.

This questionnaire deals with the subject of violence in schools. You will represent a group of students currently attending public school. I would like to know what you think on a variety of issues regarding the subject of school violence, including opinions on your school’s intervention / prevention methods.

I would greatly appreciate the time that you would commit to the attached questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may choose not to answer any question that you wish. All information you provide will be completely anonymous and kept confidential. Please copy the questionnaire and use the "email me" link to reply with your answers. Thank you again for your help and opinions!

Survey on school violence for current public high school students?
I'm bored as heck, so why not...this is for my current former high school was pretty much the polar opposite of this one.

1) 12

2) 17

3) Female

4) Minor Problem

5) None

6) A. Occasionally

B. Occasionally

C. Occasionally

D. Never

E. Daily

7) I dunno, I don't pay attention to them

8) None

9) Golf-Cart Willy, our Rent-A-Cop, is our best safety measure..I'm being serious lol

10) I'm not sure


A. No

B. Said no

12) NO

13) No

14) I agree

15) Strongly agree

16) Give the principal's guns!
Reply:1) Grade Level: 11

2) Age: 16

3) Sex: Female

4) How would you rate the occurrences of violence in your school?

Minor Problem

5) How many violent situations can you recall witnessing or being involved in on school property within the last 30 days? 3

6) To the best of your knowledge, how often do the following types of problems occur at your school?

A. Student Racial Tensions… Occasionally

B. Student Bullying ………... Occasionally

C. Student Verbal Abuse

of teachers………………. Occasionally

D. Widespread Disorder

Of Classrooms ………….. Occasionally

E. Student Acts of

Disrespect for teachers … Never

7) In the last 30 days, how many times have you witnessed a teacher or other faculty member ignore altercations (verbal or physical) between students? 1

8) During the current school year, how many times have you received detention or suspension due to a verbal or physical altercation? none

9) Describe the most effective student safety measures that you are aware of currently in place at your school. ...N/A....

10) Does your school use electronic surveillance to monitor activities inside the school and/or school grounds? No


A. Do you feel that use of such electronic surveillance leads to fewer violent situations within the school setting? No

B. If you answer yes, do you also feel that using electronic surveillance in schools results in a safer learning environment? YES/NO

12) Do you agree that uniforms should be required for public school students? NO

13) Do you agree that random metal detector checks should be required in schools? Yes...maybe

14) High schools are more likely to have security officers present on a regular basis as compared to elementary schools.


15) I feel very safe while attending my school.


16) What is the most important action your school and faculty members should pursue to create a safer and more comfortable learning environment?

We talk about whats going on at our school...if there is violence we find a way to fix doesn't go unsolved.

good luck =)
Reply:1) Grade Level 9

2) Age 14

3) Sex: MALE

4) How would you rate the occurrences of violence in your school?


5) How many violent situations can you recall witnessing or being involved in on school property within the last 30 days?

about 2

6) To the best of your knowledge, how often do the following types of problems occur at your school?

A. Student Racial Tensions…OCCASIONALLY

B. Student Bullying ………... OFTEN

C. Student Verbal Abuse

of teachers………………. OCCASIONALLY

D. Widespread Disorder

Of Classrooms ………….. OCCASIONALLY

E. Student Acts of

Disrespect for teachers …OCCASIONALLY

7) In the last 30 days, how many times have you witnessed a teacher or other faculty member ignore altercations (verbal or physical) between students? at least 5-7

8) During the current school year, how many times have you received detention or suspension due to a verbal or physical altercation? none

9) Describe the most effective student safety measures that you are aware of currently in place at your school.

we dont really have a whole lot of effective student safety measures that im aware of

10) Does your school use electronic surveillance to monitor activities inside the school and/or school grounds? NO


A. Do you feel that use of such electronic surveillance leads to fewer violent situations within the school setting? YES

B. If you answer yes, do you also feel that using electronic surveillance in schools results in a safer learning environment? NO

12) Do you agree that uniforms should be required for public school students? NO

13) Do you agree that random metal detector checks should be required in schools? NO

14) High schools are more likely to have security officers present on a regular basis as compared to elementary schools.


15) I feel very safe while attending my school.

AGREE (to an extent)

16) What is the most important action your school and faculty members should pursue to create a safer and more comfortable learning environment? i think they should actually listen and observe. i see teachers and faculty look over so much and it makes me mad. i cant believe they are that clueless. they just need to pay more attention

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