What would best describe your sexual preference: homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or unsure?
Below are some statements about bisexuals and bisexuality. Please feel free to elaborate on any statement as much as you wish. Don’t worry if you are unsure or only somewhat agree/disagree. I’m most interested in why you hold the opinion that you do.
1. Bisexuals are easy. They will have sex with almost anyone. Agree or disagree and why?
2. Bisexuals are unable to commit to a gender. Agree or disagree and why?
3. Bisexual women are just trying to please men. Agree or disagree and why?
4. Bisexuals are really homosexuals who are not ready to come out. Agree or disagree and why?
5. Bisexuals are unhappy, have bad self-esteem, and are mentally unbalanced in some way. Agree or disagree and why?
6. People themselves bisexuals to be trendy. Agree or disagree and why?
7. Bisexuality is a choice. Agree or disagree and why?
Again, I’m interested in knowing why you feel the way you do. If you’d like to email me your responses or talk about the subject further, feel free.
Survey about bisexuality for research paper...please help!?
Name: Michael K
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Preference: Bisexual
1.Bisexuals are easy. They will have sex with almost anyone. Agree or disagree and why? WRONG. There has to be some sort of attraction there, and even then it still doesn't happen.
2.Bisexuals are unable to commit to a gender. Agree or disagree and why? SO-SO. Probably a lot of them do spend a lifetime committed to one gender or the other, but there is a constant pulling temptation.
3.Bisexual women are just trying to please men. Agree or disagree and why? WRONG. This is assuming that bisexual women are really totally homosexual, which they're not.
4.Bisexuals are really homosexuals who are not ready to come out. Agree or disagree and why? WRONG. At least for me, I find different aspects of each gender appealing.
5.Bisexuals are unhappy, have bad self-esteem, and are mentally unbalanced in some way. Agree or disagree and why? WRONG. By being bisexual, I have doubled my chances of getting a date. I have a decent amount of self-respect as well as humility and am pretty well-balanced.
6.People themselves bisexuals to be trendy. Agree or disagree and why? WRONG. What's so trendy about being atttracted to the same gender when it is completely shunned where I live?
7.Bisexuality is a choice. Agree or disagree and why? I AGREE! It's a choice of which gender I want to be with, but it isn't a choice that I want to be this way.
Reply:Who sponsored this "research"? The propositions have a built in bias, requiring a defensive response. Not a scientific approach at all.
Maybe you should answer the following first: Why am I one of those viscerally opposed to anything with a gay aspect?
Reply:You do not even put any thing positive in there. This is stating all the bad stereotypes about bisexuals.
I am a bisexual woman, and I am highly offended by this...
You want my age, email me.
1) DISAGREE. I am a bisexual female who has only had sex with 3 people in my entire life.
2) DISAGREE. I am engaged to a man I plan to be with for the rest of my life.
3) DISAGREE. I actually prefer women over men. Pleasing a man never occurred to me until I heard other people saying that's why some women say they are bisexual.
4) DISAGREE. I like MEN too much to be a homosexual.
5) DISAGREE. I am the happiest I have ever been. I am not mentally unbalanced in any way.
6) DISAGREE. I've been out as a bisexual since before it was trendy.
7) DISAGREE. I fought to be straight for a long time, it did not work. I physically harmed my self. It did not work.
Some times, people do say they are bisexual to be trendy. But I've known I liked boys and girls since I was 5.
1. I agree and disagree..Some people use the term of bisexuality as an excuse to fool around or be a sex addict...others are simply unsure...and the rest just love the human form.
2.Disagree....They can commit ti anyone it doesn't depend on their sexuality it depends on the people...bisexuals commit to both genders.
3.Once again both....some women do just use it to please men...if thats all they aren't bisexual....just willing to do a lot to please a man. Then again they could use "Wanting to please a man" as an excuse to be with a women.
4.Disagree...yah a bisexual man might participate in homosexual acts but it does not mean they are fully committed to only men however some homosexuals use this term to be more excepted.
5.Disagree...just do...
6.Yes...the whole emo scene revolves around bisexuals in one way or another so it is considered trendy just as...OH SCREW THIS!!!! heterosexuality a choice?
Reply:God I really have too much time on my hands...
1. Disagree, Bisexuals may have more choice in who they sleep with, but they aren't sex-maniacs. If anything having more options would make them more choosy.
2. Agree. I'm assuming you meant "commit" as in they don't like to just stick to being with one gender. Why would they? They might as well try both. If you meant "commit" as in be in a committing relationship, then I disagree.
3. Partially agree/Mainly disagree. Although most bisexual women are truly bisexual, some younger women (15-18) claim to be bi when they really mean "I make out with my friends when I'm drunk in-front of my boyfriend".
4. Partially agree/Mainly disagree. Some are/were (like myself) but most aren't.
5. Partially agree/Mainly disagree. Again, some are and some aren't.
6. See 3.
7. Disagree. You are born bisexual.
Your questions are rather vague. You seem to make the assumptions that being bisexual effects all other aspects of your life. Personality counts for a lot too you know. : /
Reply:female, 22, very bi-curious
1. disagree. Willingness to be involved with someone else does not mean one is polyamourous, or even promiscious. One can practice serial long-term monogamy, but simply not have set limits on the gender of one's next partner (let alone dating that never reaches sex).
2. disagree with the phrasing. I do not "commit" to a gender, I commit to people. I tend to be straight (thus far), but I see no reason why I should automatically limit myself to one gender. But if I choose to, I can. The wordng implies that one has to choose a side and stick to it; that is as arbitrary as having to choose *only* blonds, *only" right-handed people, *only" Asians, etc.
3. Some may be. I'm going to have my first experience with a woman this weekend (if all goes well), and there will not be a man involved in any way, shape or form.
4. I've heard gay people say that. Frankly, it seems as bigoted to me as some of the things social conservatives say about gays. I'm a person, not a label. My allegiance is to myself, God, my family, my friends, and a few other things... not to arbitrary labels that don't fit me.
5. I was unhappy and out of sorts growing up in a conservative Christian househld. I am a lot happier now as I explore my own freedom and my own sexuality. I think I am at least as balanced than many others, maybe more so.
6. I could not give a darn about trends.
7. Acting on it is a choice. I did not choose to be attracted also to women, and for a long time I resisted it. Just as someone can be straight/gay but never act on it (asexual? I think that's the term), one can ignore one's sexuality... usually to one's detriment.
I am open to follow-up questions if you want to PM me.
im im a gay rights activist
1.they're not easy..just b/c they like both sexes, doesnt mean they'll have sex wit anyone wouldnt say they r unable 2 commit to a gender.. they just want to explore their choices.. just like straight ppl do
3.i dont think they r trying to plz men.. they just want to make sure they have made a pretty good choice..wat does that wit trying to plz men????
4.i wouldnt really say that..they're trying to figure out who they r and theres nothing wrong wit that, they r not..they could totally be as happy as clams,have great self-esteem, and r totally unbalanced in some way..i totally think they're just has happy as we are.. to each to their own
6. bisexuals dress like normal ppl.. why do ppl think that gays and bisexuals dress different even though they're just average ppl??? is a choice b/c they can do wateva they wanna do.., it aint hurting anybody so there...
Reply:Age: 40
Sex: Male
Orientation: Gay
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. No
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