Monday, May 24, 2010

I need help with a psychology statistics topic for a research paper?

I need ideas for a psychology statistics topic for a research paper? It needs to be a topic that I can do an easy survey on and I only have like 4 weeks to gather all my data and that includes writing the paper too. I would appreciate sincere topics. thanks!!

I need help with a psychology statistics topic for a research paper?
i dunno how easy this would be, but what about the theory called the Oedipus complex. Its the theory of why guys tend to marry women like their mother and daughters like their fathers. I found it interesting because my mom was in and out of me and my brothers life when we were kids so i basically raised him cause my dad worked all the time. He ended up marry a girl exactly like me - same birthday, same middle name, same height, and acted just like me.

or another good one i heard was how when you are in class alot of professors tend to refer to everything in the male sense of a word,(ie - when speaking about God, we always say he.) i read where a male student had a female professor that changed everything to reflect the female version of the word. So if when speaking about God, she would say she. And you dont realize how it affects how you feel about being excluded from a group. You could maybe make up a survey some how that would differentiate the two and peoples perceptions?
Reply:Maybe the delay of gratification. You could ask some questions with situations about getting something now or getting something better later.

Then you could compare gender, age, or race (difficult to ask) and see if there are significant differences in you sample.
Reply:I'm not sure if this counts for psychology since I used it for sociology... but I did an experiment where I rode up and down in elevators facing backward instead of facing the doors and then wrote my report on how other people reacted to it. Good luck!
Reply:Why don't you propose to video a few different classes at your university?

Then figure how many men and how many women are in each class and if it's a male or female instructor.

Then calculate how much time the instructor talks and how much time the students talk.

Break down the student time into how much time a male talks and how much time a female talks.

Then analyze your results.
Reply:You could write a paper on statistics dealing with ppls road rage and the increase over the years. The psychological toll that triggers ppl to loose there patience completely.

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