Monday, May 24, 2010

Could you please help me with my statistics research project ?

I have to do a statistics research project where I have to design a survey and hand it to university level students. I can't think of any good topics. I'm really lost ! Please help me !

The topic has to be something like :- Favourite hang-out spots, Various tastes in music/dance, etc.....

Could you please help me with my statistics research project ?
For my stats project, I analyzed whether or not nerds are more likely to wear corrective lens than non-nerds. We used # of advanced classes to split up people between nerds and non-nerds.

A friend of mine analyzed whether or not girls are prone to take longer showers than guys.

Another friend analyzed if asians are better at identifying the nationalities of asians compared to whites identifying
Reply:You should be more worried about the design of your survey, the sampling plan, and assumptions required to analyze the data.

First, your data are already going to be biased and results will only refer to UNIVERSITY LEVEL STUDENTS. You cannot limit your survey to that sample and then extrapolate to some unwordly universe of people.

Therefore, take what you already must survey UNIVERSITY LEVEL STUDENTS and ask them questions that are applicable to that group.

For instance, what subject , of those listed, in school is your favorite and THEN give them a finite number of subjects......math, english, physics, geography and history

Then ask what is their favorite hobby from your given list. For example, computers, reading, wrtiting poetry, outdoor athletic activites, and watching TV.

Sample a large number of UNIVERSITY LEVEL STUDENTS and do a categorical data analysis to determine if a relation exists between subject liked and favorite hobby.

The above is just a middle of the night thought. To help better I need to know much more about the proposed research project and your level of statistical knowledge.

Let me know if I can help......

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