Thursday, May 20, 2010

What kind of statistical analyses do I need to use for Psyc research proposal?

I am writing a paper for a psychological research proposal and I can't figure out what kind of statistical analyses I need to use. I will be using a survey to collect my data, but my independent variable is race (African American/White). My dependent variable is strength of beliefs. Please help me figure out what kind of analyses need to be done.

What kind of statistical analyses do I need to use for Psyc research proposal?
What sort of survey/questionnaire is it? I am assuming you are using the Likert scale (ie on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your beliefs strength).

If so, you could use a T Test for Independent Means using the results which would tell you if there is a significant difference between the two ethnicities.

//Edit: You will be adding the true/false responses some way right? With those results, take the means of each ethnicity and use the T Test for Independent Means.
Reply:you'll look more authoritative if you throw in some averages of important data sets...

also try to work in at least one statistic that you can prove at more than 90% confidence...

different professors might be looking for different interpretations of the data (why we have stats in the first place) so include that in your strategy for the paper... stats are important, try to dig up your old stats book or you might even get a cheap old, used text...

if nothing else, I looked over the wikipedia article on statistics and you might find it helpful

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