Monday, May 24, 2010

What would be a good topic to research on a college campus? something related to health?

I have a sociology project I'm working on but I need to figure out some good topics to research.

Any topics that relate to health and college students (remember I am only surveying MY COLLEGE...not colleges around the world) -

Anything about how things affect college students;

Think in terms of social networks (students interacting with peers). Remember this is a sociology project, not psychology. So I need to keep the research focused on GROUPS of studnets...or interaction between students. :)

Any ideas are greatly appreciated THANKS!

What would be a good topic to research on a college campus? something related to health?
STDs and if people wash their hands after they go to the restroom.
Reply:How about sex...there's no better sociology or group interaction project that I can come up with.

You could do it with answerers being anonymous, and compare statistics and ask how the influence of sex affects their time while at uni.

Or not.
Reply:how about depression. My hubby did a proposal paper on depression rates of college students and pushed for something to be done about it on the local campus. Naturally it got turned down because it wouldn't fit into their budget... 2 weeks later, VA Tech happened. They said they would be bringing his paper back up at their board meeting in the next quarter. We moved out of state, though, so we aren't sure what happened with it.

Honestly, though, there is a lot of information out there about it.
Reply:try to find it here
Reply:Stress and studying--how to students cope?

Sexual incounters and STD--what are the stats?

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